Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.
So, throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the tradewinds in your sails.
Explore, dream, discover.
Mark Twain

Everybody should experience diving at least few times in their lives. It is like us humans entering into another dimention. Different world, different environment. It’s no secret that I love scuba diving and I intend to dive for next 100 years. I often say to friends… once you become a diver you’ll be changed forever. You’ll never be the same again. Well, that’s just me. Diving is like no other experience out there. We can enter the big blue wildernes for a limited time only and we’re alowed to see unbelivable things. It’s the magic of diving.
Since childhood I had fascination about far away places and dream of having a great adventure in my life….
So, … I have been to all continents and seen all the places I have ever wanted to see. From beyond the arctic circle to “down under”, to India, China and the jungles of the Amazon,…. well, life is good.
In 1993 I got PADI certification and became dedicated scuba diver. WOW what a different world down there. New burst of energy. At first I was diving in Florida Keys a lot. Then, I decided to dive all the best reefs on the planet. I got into underwater photography… my new toy… What a challenge. What a blast.
There was a time when my focus of travel was on South America, especially the Amazon region. In 1980, coming back from a trip to Peru I brought back with me a young, live amazon parrot named Kora-kora. Best souvenir from the jungle I could think of. That bird watched my children growing up and thought Jessica to say the first word… “HELLO”… what else would you expect from a bird.
Parrots make good pets, but they always seem to talk too much.
I consider Rio De Janeiro the most beautiful city in the world. Next will be Honk Kong. My best ever trip was East Africa. … a tenting safari in Kenya. Another superb trip to see wild life was the Galapagos Islands.
During my diving vacation in Palau, I had a picture opportunity with Palau’s president on the island of Peleliu (The island well known to the good folks who served our country in the Pacific during WW II). I ventured to the highlands of Papua New Guinea to see local tribes. Many friends warned me repeatedly… “Mike.. if you get invited to a dinner.. don’t go..!!!” (they may stick a fork in you).
Diving in Bismarck Sea I found to be the best in the in all my diving experience. Perhaps one day I will go there again. And for diving ship wrecks, Truk Lagoon !!!… did it twice, already. What a place.
Shark diving is something else that I enjoy tremendously. Sharks are fascinating. It’s safe to swim with them, photograph them and feed them. There are plenty of shark diving operations in the Bahamas.
In the early 1990’s I went on a month long trip to India and Nepal – a dream from chldhood to see this exotic and remote part of the world preserved in it’s own time capsule.
I live on Florida by Gulf of Mexico. The best place to live. Perhaps one day I will have time to organize my pictures and archive properly. I got lots of those.
Life is my great adventure. What a trip.