Here are images from an iconic Blue Heron Bridge in Riviera Beach, Florida.

Yellowhead Jawfish at Blue Heron Bridge. Very small and it was rather hard for me to capture this guy in focus.
This guy is on my "Most Wanted" list to find and photograph again. A really cool dude.
Amazing underwater world at Blue Heron Bridge
Pipe Seahorse at Blue Heron Bridge
I was extremely lucky to be at the right place in the time to see and photograph this.
At Blue Heron Bridge in Riviera Beach, FL finding Seahorses.
On that date we have found five Seahorses. One of the males was pregnant.
Underwater photographers dream. All these amazing creatures under the bridge. If you know how to find them.
At Blue Heron Bridge in Riviera Beach, FL where we have about four hundred species living in the muck. Some are most amazing creatures.
Small Octopuss at Blue Heron Bridge in Riviera Beach, FL was visibly curious and interacting with divers.
Cool little Dusky Jawfish in it's cool little home at Blue Heron Bridge in Riviera Beach, Florida.
This tiny Jawfish got eggs in its mouth that are ready to hatch. This face is smaller that a dime.
Decorator Crab. Always with amazing camouflage.
Coolest little guy in his pipe home.
Bumblebee Shrimp at Blue Heron Bridge in Riviera Beach, FL. Tiniest critter I have ever photographed.
Two shell crabs mating at Blue Heron Bridge. I just happened to be there at the right moment. The only time they can mate when the female is molting and is "shell-less". Female under the male.
... more amazing critters at Blue Heron Bridge. Every time I'm diving there there's another surprise. Like a gift.

Here are images form night diving in Palau.
The coral reef turns into a magical garden in the darkness of the night. 
Palau has world class coral reef and is one of most desirable places by scuba divers.I was diving on Peter Hughes’ Sun Dancer. A 130 feet live aboard, with film processing lab and viewing table. All that in the days when we used film cameras. Remember ?… I was shooting with my NIKONOS V and SB105 strobe. Film I used was FUJI Provia 100 ASA slide film and scanned my slides later on Nikon scanner at 4000 DPI

Palau is known not only for unique beauty of the islands as well as the reef but also strong currents and the most unique of all… the Jelly Fish Lake…!

In the areas of strongest current divers use reef hooks to attach them selves to the reef to stay put and watch large numbers of fish and sharks

Amazing images of coral reef at night in Palau, Federated States of Micronesia.
Night life on the reef in Palau/Micronesia
Cuttlefish near Lizard Island, Australia
The Highlight of my diving in the Philippines 🇵🇭 was finding this Flamboyant Cuttlefish. This guy is only about 3" long. A real beauty. Nikon D500, Nautical Housing, Dual YS-D2j strobes
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