Tiger Beach is the Best shark diving spot on the planet. Folks, trust me. In only 25 feet of water you can have number of Tiger Sharks with you, few Hammerheads, a bunch of Reef sharks and a bunch of Lemon sharks and two or three Bull sharks. Great vis. Warm water. Nothing can come even close.

Bimini must be the best place in the whole wide world to dive with Hammerhead sharks. You can dive with them all day long in water as shallow as 20 feet. The time to do it is November thru March.

Tiger Beach is not really a beach, but shallower water in the middle if the Atlantic some 22 miles North of West End, Grand Bahama Island. In 30 feet of water find Tiger sharks, Bull sharks, Reef sharks and plenty of Lemon sharks. Tiger Beach is considered to be the best place in the world for shark diving.

Bimini. In the Bahamas. I love this island. Small. Sweet. Plenty of sharks and good Bahama beer. What else can you ask for. Really.
Hammers approaching the bait just inches above the bottom. I positioned my self accordingly with my camera pointing upend shooting continues to capture the moment.
This Hammerhead shark was gliding inches above my head giving me the opportunity for a nice close up shot.
Best place on the planet to get up close in shallow water with Hammerhead sharks is Bimini
A pregnant Tiger shark at Tiger Beach

In Bimini we can dive with Hammerheads in only 20+ feet of water so bottom time is very long.

As of recently we've been enjoying Tiger sharks as they started showing up in Bimini.. So Now we can enjoy both, Great Hammerheads and also Tigers. It's a blast.
Bull shark under our boat.
Hammerhead diving with BIMINI UNDERSEA and Max Devine as a shark handler. He is doing excellent job.
Seven Tiger sharks on this dive. Sweet.
My friend Tom Poff with Tiger Sharks.
Tiger Beach. Most spectacular place on God's Blue Planet to dive with Tiger Sharks up close in shallow water.
On that trip we had about 45-50 sharks around us on every dive.
Another spectacular dive trip to Tiger Beach, Bahamas. Plenty of friendly sharks.
Great few days of diving in Tiger Beach. Lots of sharks.
Sweet face of a Great Hammerhead shark facing divers. Bimini, the Bahamas 🇧🇸.
Hammertime in Bimini 🇧🇸
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