Fellow divers, I love my sharks

Here's my friend Christian Torres feeding Hammers. In Bimini, The Bahamas with Bimini Undersea
Bimini. Home of the Hammerheads
Bimini is the best place on the planet for diving with Great Hammerhead sharks. In shallow water, great viz and no current.
Stunning view of a Great Hammerhead shark gliding above our heads.
Season for diving with Great Hammerheads in Bimini is from end of November to end of March.

Tiger Beach Baby,... Dive, Dive, Dive.....!!!

We had several Tiger sharks keeping us company in the Bahamas. Few of them were as big as 15 feet and two of them pregnant. Great sign that shark population in the Bahamas is on the rise.
Diving Tiger Beach in the Bahamas. Best shark diving place in the world.

Shark diving in Jupiter, Florida with Randy Jordan, owner of Emerald Charters

Randy Jordan runs a very good shark diving operation out gf Jupiter, FL and I have been on his boat numerous times.
Many sharks you will see with a hook and line still there. Some guys manage to take their time to successfully remove them.
Most of the year we can enjoy company ot Tiger sharks diving in Jupiter, FL. Fascinating large animals.
Touching a Tiger is often an irresistible temptation.
This is what brings sharks close to us. Chum. If it wasn't for that we wouldn't be able to get close to any of them.
They of course enjoy lunch with us and we all enjoy the company. Proximity to sharks gives us opportunity to photograph them up-close.
They just love our cameras.
Meet Patric. A young Tiger shark that few years ago started showing up around Jupiter.
These are drift dives. We start the dive at about 90 feet at the bottom for about 20 min and then go up to about 35 to 15 feet for the rest of the dive. Most sarks will follow us all the way.
Most of the time we have pretty strong current and sharks love it. The stronger the current the better chance for more sharks.
Randy's boat.
My friend took a picture of me in action with Lemonsharks. At that time I was using mirrorless Olympus OMD-EM5

Few pictures here from Jim Abernethy’s Scuba Adventures on his Florida live aboard. Jim took those pictures of me in action.

Jim took several shots of me on this trip photographing my babies.
Two Lemon sharks circled me around trying to get to my camera. Wander why. It didn't smell like fish.
Two Lemon sharks were expressing interest in my camera. Jim got it documented.
Jim photographed me as my strobes firted up. Great timing.
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